SC READY Testing

SC READY testing will occur on the following dates:

May 6th: SC READY Math
May 7th: SC READY Reading A
May 8th: SC READY Reading B
May 13th: SC READY Science (Grades 4 and 6) AND Algebra 1 EOC
May 14th: SC READY Writing

Gifted & Talented Programs


Students of Artistic Readiness

SOAR is SPS' Gifted Arts program for students in grades 3-8 who show above grade level ability in music or visual arts. SOAR at SPS began in the 2019-2020 school year, and it is being implemented in stages over four academic years. 

Tiers of Implementation:
Year 1: Grades 6-8 Music and Visual Arts
Year 2: Grades 3-8 Music and Visual Arts
Year 3: Grades 6-8 Dance and Theatre
Year 4: Grades 3-8 Dance and Theatre

How are SOAR students identified and admitted into the program?
  • Step 1: Referral/Recommendation

    Parents must complete the referral/recommendation form for your child to be considered for the SOAR program screening process. Forms must be submitted by August 30th for semester 1 (Aug 6 - Dec 20) consideration or December 6th for semester 2 (Jan 7-May 22) consideration. No late submissions will be accepted.

    Download Referral/Recommendation Form

  • Step 2: Screening & Identification Process

    All completed referrals will be submitted to the SPS SOAR team for screening/identification. Candidates will receive written notice of their audition/ interview date and time.


    Art Audition and Interview

    Candidates should prepare for a 15 minute window that includes an audition and interview. Parents/guardians are not permitted in the audition/interview area. Students must be on time for their appointment, and appointments will be forfeited if a student is late.

    Art SOAR candidates must bring a portfolio to their audition/interview. The portfolio must have three-five pieces for the SOAR panel to review. Pieces must be labeled with date of production.

    The appointment will consist of the following breakdown; the candidate must have their portfolio in hand at the entrance of the appointment.

    1. Five minute sight draw
    2. Five minute presentation of portfolio
    3. Five minute interview with SOAR panel


    Music Audition and Interview

    Candidates should prepare for a 15 minute window that includes an audition and interview. Parents/guardians are not permitted in the audition/interview area. Students must be on time for their appointment, and appointments will be forfeited if a student is late.

    Musical SOAR candidates must bring the following to the appointment: flash drive with music, if applicable, or any needed instrument, if applicable. Any student performance must be school appropriate. Musical SOAR candidates must be prepared to repeat a sequence of singing or clapping from the teacher to show competency in rhythmic and melodic echo ability.

    1. Five minute vocal and/or instrumental performance
    2. Five minute rhythmic and melodic echo phrases (repeat sequence of singing or clapping from teacher)
    3. Five minute interview with SOAR panel
  • Step 3: Services & Classes

    In the SOAR program, students learn to expand on their artistic talents through multiple media of learning.  Eligible students will have SOAR class in the mornings before the regular school day starts.

SOAR Program Goals


SPS will recognize the learning and development differences of students with artistic gifts and talents both affectively and cognitively to ensure specific outcomes.


SPS will provide equal opportunity to students with artistic gifts and talents through a non-bias referral, screening, and identification process.


SPS will apply the theories and best practices based on research based strategies for students with artistic gifts and talents.


SPS will ensure a learning environment that fosters personal and social responsibility, multicultural competence, and technical communication skills for students with artistic gifts and talents.

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