SC READY Testing

SC READY testing will occur on the following dates:

May 6th: SC READY Math
May 7th: SC READY Reading A
May 8th: SC READY Reading B
May 13th: SC READY Science (Grades 4 and 6) AND Algebra 1 EOC
May 14th: SC READY Writing

Title I

What is Title I?

Title I programs are federally funded instruction given in addition to core reading and math classes for students who are struggling to meet the state standards. The federal government gives funds to South Carolina through the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) to divide among school districts based on their percentage of low-income families and participating schools. Spartanburg Preparatory School meets the qualifications for a Title I program and benefits from these funds.

The purpose of Title I, Part A is to help local educational agencies (LEAs) improve teaching and learning in high-poverty schools and help children failing or most at-risk of failing meet challenging state academic standards.

Learn more about Title I in South Carolina Schools

Budget Information

Title I Budget 2019-2020

Instructional Staff: $265,898
Parenting/Family Literacy: $10,540
Student Incentives: $2,726
Pupil Services: $61,685

Presupuesto del Título I 2019-2020

Personal de instrucción: $265,898
Paternidad / Alfabetización familiar: $10,540
Incentivos para estudiantes: $2,726
Servicios de Alumnos: $61,685

Parent's Right to Know

In accordance with the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Section 1111(h)(6) PARENT'S RIGHT TO KNOW, you have the right to request and receive information in a timely manner regarding the professional qualifications of your child's classroom teachers, including:

  • if the teacher has met state qualification and licensing criteria for the grade level and subject areas taught
  • if the teacher is teaching under emergency of other provisional status through which State qualifications or licensing criteria have been waived
  • if the teacher is teaching in the field of discipline of the certification of the teacher
  • whether the student is provided services by paraprofessionals, and if so, their qualifications

Request Teacher Qualifications

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