SC READY testing will occur on the following dates:
May 6th: SC READY Math
May 7th: SC READY Reading A
May 8th: SC READY Reading B
May 13th: SC READY Science (Grades 4 and 6) AND Algebra 1 EOC
May 14th: SC READY Writing
At Spartanburg Preparatory School, we prepare students to become lifelong learners, productive citizens who respect self and others, and positive influences on the world.
Our curriculum respects students’ developing ideas about how the world works and encourages them to question, consider and refine their understanding of the social and natural world. Teachers use an inquiry-based model to teach and nurture independent learning, critical thinking, as well as creativity and collaboration. All students have access to technology in their classrooms through classroom computers and Smartboards, and each student in grades 3rd-8th has his own Chromebook used for instruction, communication, and learning.
We also value the social-emotional development of our students at Spartanburg Preparatory School. Our character education program is designed to help students develop skills that are central for healthy social and emotional development such as empathy, impulse control, problem-solving, and anger management. The program also focuses on ideals such as, but not limited to, the following: personal integrity and honesty, respect, trustworthiness, patriotism, citizenship, compassion, and pride.
At Spartanburg Preparatory School, we always strive to do our best, then do it better!
Proudly Serving Since 2009,
Dr. Tomikia Whitmire, Executive Director
Dear Spartanburg Preparatory School Community,
I extend a very warm welcome to you and your family. I am honored to serve as the principal of Spartanburg Preparatory School. Behind the walls of SPS, you will find passionate, innovative, collaborative, and creative individuals. Both our students and staff work hard each and every day to think critically as they work towards solving the problems of tomorrow in the classrooms of today. At SPS, we believe that education is a holistic approach. An SPS education is much more than academics. Our teachers and staff recognize the importance of the social, emotional, and behavioral development of a child. We believe that relationships are most important, and strive to ensure that every student that enters our building feels a sense of belonging. Our motto, every student, every day encompasses our goal to ensure our students receive exactly what they need each and every day.
Thank you for being on this journey with us. Whether you are a proud SPS parent, or just want to learn about our school, it is people like you who are invested in making a difference in the lives of children. We are humbled to partner with you in whatever capacity that may be and look forward to serving our community this year. If you have any questions about SPS, please do not hesitate to contact me. Go Jaguars!
Hannah Holmes, Principal