SC READY Testing

SC READY testing will occur on the following dates:

May 6th: SC READY Math
May 7th: SC READY Reading A
May 8th: SC READY Reading B
May 13th: SC READY Science (Grades 4 and 6) AND Algebra 1 EOC
May 14th: SC READY Writing


Chromebook Tech Request

Having an issue with your Chromebook? Submit a tech request for help!

I need some help

Technology Acceptable Use Policy 2023-24

The purpose of the TAUP is to make school policies clear for all technology users. By agreeing to and complying with the TAUP, our students will be able to use school technology respectfully, responsibly, and safely.

At Home Chromebook Responsibility/Accountability (3rd-8th Grade):

  • You are responsible for devices and chargers signed over to you. Any broken devices and chargers will be considered on a case-by-case basis for payment/repairs. You may be charged for the repair of broken or damaged Chromebooks and chargers.
  • Lost or Stolen Chromebooks: Lost Chromebooks must be paid for totally (Purchase Price).
  • Stolen Chromebooks: Users must provide a police report, and GPS tracking will be enabled on the device.
  • Your Chromebook is a required classroom supply and school property. It needs to be brought to class every day fully charged. If not, you will be considered unprepared for class and written up in Educator’s Handbook.

Behavior for Learning

The 3 Big Ideas: Respect, Responsibility, Safety.

Care for Hardware and Software

  • Food and drink must stay away from computers!
  • Treat all equipment with care.
  • Charge your Chromebook every night and bring it to school every day.
  • If anything is malfunctioning, immediately notify a/your teacher or go to the school’s website and fill out a “Tech Request” on the School’s Technology page.
  • If you need to carry a laptop somewhere, close the lid first.
  • Use hardware and software only with teacher permission.

Online Safety

  • Visit only the websites and use only the programs you are directed to. This includes online music and videos.
  • Did you stumble upon something offensive or embarrassing? Immediately turn off the monitor and notify a teacher.
  • Creating or broadcasting disruptive or offensive images, text, and sound is not permitted.
  • Protect the privacy of your password and the passwords of others.

Legal and Ethical Use

  • Cite your work. Plagiarism is against the law.
  • Download programs and sign up for online services only with teacher guidance.
  • Software is legally protected. Software must not be copied or distributed.
  • Cyberbullying is a crime; this includes harassment, threats, and gossip. Before you post or hit send, THINK.


  • Failure to comply with the SPS Technology Acceptable Use Policy may result in appropriate disciplinary action in addition to the suspension of computer privileges.
  • Unauthorized use of school technology or network, intentional deletion or damage to files and data belonging to others, or copyright violations may be defined as theft by various state and/or federal agencies.
  • Repeated or severe infractions may result in permanent termination of computer use and/or referral to appropriate law enforcement agencies.

Please download the SPS Technology Acceptable Use Policy, sign, and return to your homeroom teacher.

Technology Acceptable Use Policy

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