ACCESS Testing

From January 21st to March 7th, we will be conducting ACCESS testing.

Kristen Page

Kristen Page

Kristen Page


Name: Ms. Kristen Page 

Grade Level/Subject: Kindergarten Boys 

Degree: Bachelor’s in Education 

Years in Education: 7 

Hobbies/Interests: I love going to the beach, scrapbooking, watching football and baseball, and being with my family and friends! 

Favorite Quote: “Be the person you needed when you were younger” 

Ms. Page's Website


Name: Kristen Page

Position: First Grade Teacher

Hometown: Cleveland, OH

How many years you've been teaching: 9

College or University and Undergraduate Degree: USC Upstate

Favorite Book: Love You Forever

What inspires you in the classroom? I love to see my boys' face light up when they finally get something they have been working so hard on, and it clicks. Those are special moments, and always a favorite of mine!

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