SC READY Testing

SC READY testing will occur on the following dates:

May 6th: SC READY Math
May 7th: SC READY Reading A
May 8th: SC READY Reading B
May 13th: SC READY Science (Grades 4 and 6) AND Algebra 1 EOC
May 14th: SC READY Writing

Welcome to SPS

A school family that supports each student

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Spartanburg prep

Spartanburg: You have a choice for public school!

Public charter schools offer an alternative choice for parents who want to maximize their children’s academic and social potential. Like other public schools, attending Spartanburg Prep is free, with no tuition, and students from anywhere in South Carolina can apply.

Spartanburg Preparatory School is staffed by supportive teachers, administrators and staff who go the extra mile to help students and families feel supported. Our curriculum respects students’ developing ideas about how the world works and encourages them to question, consider and refine their understanding of the social and natural world. Our character education program is designed to help students develop skills that are central for healthy social and emotional development such as empathy, impulse control, respect, and problem-solving.

Why Spartanburg Prep

1:1 Technology

1:1 Technology

Spartanburg Prep has a 1:1 Technology policy for all grades starting in Kindergarten. 

Single Gender Classrooms

Single Gender Classrooms

Research supports that both boys and girls perform significantly better in single-gender classrooms.

Inquiry-Based Learning

Inquiry-Based Learning

SPS recognizes a child’s need for opportunities to ask their own  questions, study their answers, and revise or modify their thinking.

Character Education

Character Education

Students will develop skills that are central for healthy social and emotional  development such as empathy, impulse control, problem solving, and anger management.

Small, Caring Classrooms

Small, Caring Classrooms

Spartanburg Prep utilizes inquiry-based teaching methods to develop critical thinking skills while teaching specific content knowledge.

SPS By the Numbers

Statistics About Our School


Spartanburg Preparatory School is the first brick and mortar charter school in Spartanburg County.


Average Teacher to Student Ratio


School Districts Represented


Of faculty and staff believe Every Student, Every Day

Why Spartanburg Prep?


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